BSCI认证是欧洲商界社会责任认证的简称,他的全称是Business Social Compliance Initiative,是欧洲对外贸易协会(amfori)对BSCI组织成员的全球供应商进行的社会责任审核,主要包括:遵守法律、结社自由和集体谈判权利、禁止歧视、补偿、工作时间、工作场所安全、禁止使用童工、禁止强迫劳工、环境和安全等问题。
编号 | Document list(文件清单) | 需要的文件例子 |
1. | Calculation of the necessary financial and personnel resource to comply with the minimum social and environment requirements符合最基本社会及环境要求的财务预算及人力资源规划 | 财务预算、最近的人力资源规划 |
2. | Code of conduct (including the terms of implementation)商业伙伴专用实施条款
| 签字的“商业伙伴中专用实施条款” |
3. | Company/Es Financial Balance sheet 财务报表 | 最近一个月的财务报表 |
4. | Complaint mechanism including procedure, records of complaints by employees , measures taken and follow up 抱怨机制,包括程序,员工抱怨纪录 (如员工抱怨处理程序及记录) | 员工投诉抱怨处理程序、投诉抱怨清单、最近一份记录 |
5. | Confidentiality Disclaimer 保密声明 (此份由审核员提供) | |
6. | Copies of official documents on legal status, company name (s), year of foundation 公司营业执照 , 公司名称 , 成立时间 | 营业执照正本和副本、组织架构图 |
7. | Documentation of all trainings to workers, particularly but not limited concerning Health and Safety. Valid documentation should include at least list names and positions of participants, dates, content of training and qualification of the trainers 所有员工训练纪录,特别但不限于有关健康与安全, 有效的文件至少有: 参加者的姓名,职务,日期,训练内容,及培训者的资格等的清单 | 健康安全培训计划及最近一次培训记录 |
8. | Documentation of any infringements of the working rules and disciplinary measures taken 任何违反工作规则和惩罚的文件 | 员工手册中有关员工纪律的文件,惩戒程序及最近一次的记录 |
9. | Documentation of responsibilities in the company on senior management and operational level for implementation of and checking compliance with the BSCI code of conduct 负责执行BSCI行为准则之高级管理层及运作阶层的文件 | 公司高层有关BSCI负责人的任命书、或职责说明等 |
10. | Documentation of the legal minimum wages (relevant for the minimum wages (relevant for the type of industry) and the source of this information 法定最低工资的文件 | 政府发出的最低工资的文件 |
11. | Documentation on all benefits to employees with remarks if they are mandatory or voluntary (including pregnancy and mothers) 有关员工福利的文件 , 注明是自愿提供或强制规定的(包括孕妇及哺乳期员工的福利) | 员工工资福利文件 |
12. | Documentation record of the accidents including but not limited information on the of the accident, type, dates, damages and indication of harmed persons and procedure followed 工伤管理的文件与纪录,包括但不限于工伤的类型,日期, 人员及后续处理程序 | 工伤程序文件、工伤记录等 |
13. | Documented risk assessment and related action plan for safe, healthy and hygienic working conditions 工作条件的安全与健康的风评审文件及行动计划 | 风险评价的程序及评价记录(含措施) |
14. | Documented valid authorisation to make exemptions on working hours(e.g. from government, from collectivebarganing agreements with trade unions) 工时特例数据 (例如: 综合工时批文等、集体谈判、工会合同等) | 政府的综合工时批文(如果有) |
15. | Employment contracts including those related to security personnel and other services 包括保安人员及其他服务员工等的劳动合约 | 保安合同一份、清洁工的合同 |
16. | Environmental procedures including but not limited to water and waste management, chemical disposure and emissions treatment 环境管理程序包括但不限于废水,废弃物管理,化学品处置及排放处理等 | 环境管理程序、废弃物处理程序等 |
17. | Evidence of updated contribution to social insurance funds 社会保险的缴费最新证明 | 最近三个月的社保缴费证明 |
18. | Inspection documents and maintenance record concerning health and safety for the facilities and dormitories including but not limited ot temperature, noise level and lighting 有关健康与安全设施和宿舍的检验与维护文件,包括但不限于温度,噪音等级,照度等 | 车间的卫生监测报告,如温度、室内噪音、粉尘、照度等) |
19. | Inspection reports and maintenance records for fire fighting equipment (e.g. inspection tags on fire extinguishers) 消防设备的检验与维护报告 (例如: 灭火器上的检验标志等) | 消防设备的检测、检查报告 |
20. | Inspection reports and maintenance records on the water potability both facilities and dormitory (if relevant) 设备与宿舍的饮用水的检验与维护报告 (如果有) | 饮用水检测报告 |
21. | Inspection reports, maintenance records, operating and safety instructions for dangerous machines, included but not limited to lifts, electrical equipment, high-pressure equipment 有危险性的生产机器的安全性标示的检验与维护报告, 包括但不限于: 电梯 、电气设备,高压设备等 | 特种设备、电气设备、高低压配电房的检查记录、维修记录和安全操作指南 |
22. | List of production processes outsourced to prisons, and name and place of premises (if relevant) 外包给监狱的制程及场所清单(如果有) | 外包清单 (如果有) |
23. | List of valid certificated and/ or audit reports concerning but not limited to management systems, social and environmental standards or code of conduct 有效的证书清单及/或有关但不限于管理系统,社会责任,环境等的稽核报告 | 体系认证证书、其它验厂审核报告 (如果有) |
24. | Medical Personnel Qualification certificates 医务人员、急救员合格证书 | 急救人员资格证 |
25. | Minutes of meetings and records of written agreements with employees representatives 与员工代表的书面合约及会议纪录 | 同员工代表会议记录 |
26. | Payslips for employees and evidence of payment of wages 工资单及工资支付证明 | 3个月(旺季、淡季、正常月份)的工资清单、支付证明和工资条 |
27. | Personnel Data Files for all employees (including seasonal workers) 所有员工个人档案 (包括季节性聘约工) | 员工花名册、扫描一份员工的个人档案 |
28. | Production capacity planning in written form including but not limited cost calculation, growth expectation and human resource needed 书面产能计划表,包括但不限于成本计算, 预计增长及人力资源需求 | 产能计划表,产品成本计算、市场增长及人员需求计划 |
29. | Proof of continuous improvement of social performance in the facilities of subcontractors 外包商的社会责任绩效表现证明 | 外包供应商的社会责任承诺书 |
30. | Qualification proof for employees working with dangerous machines, electrical installation and any other activity that requires specific training due to the level of risk 员工操作危险性机器, 电力设施及任何需要特别训练的资格证明 | 电工证、特种作业操作证等 |
31. | Records of receipt, consumption, withdrawal and disposal of chemical (including presentation of Material Safety Data Sheets) MSDS 化学品收、发、废弃的纪录 (包括物质安全数据表MSDS) | 化学品清单、MSDS文件、化学品收发记录、废弃处理记录 |
32. | Social policy and procedures in written form, including but not limited ant-corruption procedure, human resource procedure etc. 书面社会政策,包括但不限于反贪腐程序, 人员管理程序等 | 社会责任方针 |
33. | Valid business licenses and all necessary official approvals to run operations including the related machinery 核准公司及相关机器运行的有效执照(如消防验收、环评批复、特征设备使用登记证等 | 消防验收报告(消防局出具) 环评批复文件(环保局出具)
34. | Wage lists and wage calculation including but not limited to record of output of productivity rates or piece rate workers 工资清单包括但不限于以生产效率或计件计薪员工 | 三个月工资清单(旺季、淡季、正常月份) |
35. | Working Rules in written form 书面工作规则 | 员工手册 |
36. | Working time records 工时纪录 | 三个月的考勤记录(旺季、淡季、正常月份) |
37. | Written declaration of commitment of subcontractors compliance with BSCI code of conduct 外包商宣告符合BSCI行为准则的书面承诺 | 外包供应商的承诺函 |
38. | Written declaration of consent for farms to be included in the ISMS (if applicable) | - |
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